Today the Team Annapurna started their first round of acclimatization. They reached the Advanced Base Camp (ABC) at 4,500-m altitude. I also tagged along on this three hour trek, but it was not possible to keep up with them as I huffed and puffed behind them on steep slopes.
The view from the ABC was magnificent. Mt Annapurna peak stands 3,500 m high above from ABC. It is going to be a mammoth challenge to climb due to glaciers, cravesses, overhanging seracs. As the team discussed serveral route options, I was in awe of their bravery.

At the base camp, sherpas have set up more tents as new team members are expected to arrive soon. In a couple of days, teams will start establishing higher camps and our team will do the first rotation to Camp 1 (5,500m) and Camp 2 (6,200-m).
The weather at the basecamp is sunny till noon and after that it snows here. The ktichen staff at the basecamp is treating us well and feeding us like a grandma.

We want to thank everyone who has supported us on this expedition including our sponsors:
Shama Ijaz Foundation (@hassanijaz)
We would also like to thank @thurayatelecom in the UAE and Rockville Technologies for providing us with a Thuraya internet device that we are using to post live updates and stories.