Today we went to the helipad in the morning. First the heli made rounds to the basecamp with sherpas, kitchen crew, food, and other camping equipment. Then it flew us. It was only a 10-minute flight to the basercamp from Dana village. The heli quickly gained height and dropped us at the elevation of 4,200 m.
At the basecamp, we set up two tent and unpacked our luggage. Then we had lunch at the mess tent where we met a few other climbers. Mt Annapurna is only climbed in spring. Sherpas started establishing camps since yesterday. A couple of team arrived today at the basecamp.

Early in the afternoon it was sunny and warm at the basecamp, but then suddenly it started snowing and became quite cold. It is surreal and humbling to be watched over by giant icy mountains from all side.

Today is March 23. It’s Pakistan Day. Today is also the first day of the 1st Pak expedition to Annapurna at the basecamp.
We want to thank everyone who has given us support on this expedition.
Shama Ijaz Foundation (@hassanijaz)
We would also like to thank @thurayatelecom in the UAE and Rockville Technologies for providing us with a Thuraya internet device that we are using to post live updates and stories.
You can track our live location at the following Map:
(Link is also in bio)