
For the last three days I am again stuck in Mashhad as Turkmen consulate hasn’t issued me a transit visa yet. They have asked me to come back tomorrow again, which turns out be my last day on Iranian visa as well.

Yesterday I went to a bicycle shop to get my bicycle repaired, and today I spent my day with a Aya from Japan and Vera from Switzerland. We first went to the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza, and later enjoyed tea and sweets at the exceptionally well traditional tea-house named Hazardastan.

Observing the dress code by wearing Chadors are Vera from Switzerland and Aya from Japan. At Vali’s homestay in Mashhad.
Vera from Switzerland and Aya from Japan ready to enter Imam Reza Shrine in Mashhad.
Hezardastan Chayekhaneh is the Lonely Planet’s top choice teahouse in Mashhad. It is wonderfully decorated with art pieces and antique items and has a very cosy atmosphere.
Hezardastan teahouse in Mashhad is definitely the best teahouse I have visited in my life.
Hezardastan teahouse in Mashhad is a relatively new teahouse. It is only 8 years old. It is run by Mr. Afsheen who is from Tehran but living in Mashhad for last 45 years. His wife is from Mashhad.
“I am not a marketing man. I run this tea-house because I have a passion for it”, he told.

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