Mum’s necklace

When I go through old family photos, I see my young mum wearing a necklace in almost all the pictures. Ever since her death I have been fascinated about mum’s likeness of this necklace. Although, it remains a mystery when and where she got it. Was it a wedding present by my dad? or did my grandmother give it to her? I don’t know. But it is obvious that it must be very precious to her.

[aesop_image imgwidth=”75%” img=”×1118.jpg” align=”center” lightbox=”off” caption=”That’s me with mum. Notice mum’s necklace.” captionposition=”left”]


I asked my younger brother in Pakistan to find this necklace at our home in Layyah. After many days of search, luckily he found it, and brought it to Germany when he last visited me.

Now I have the necklace, taking a look at it makes me very emotional as mum had worn it so lovingly. The necklace doesn’t look expensive, rather it’s made of plastic, but mum’s memory makes it the most valuable thing to me.

[aesop_image imgwidth=”60%” img=”×1572.jpg” align=”center” lightbox=”off” caption=”Me again with mum. Mum is wearing the same necklace.” captionposition=”left”]

Yesterday I took it to a jeweller in Nürnberg for service and asked him to add a hook clasp, and change the thread. The necklace is now perfect to wear.

Am I worthy of this necklace? Well, I have mixed feelings when it comes to mum and the necklaces which she made me wear in the past. When I failed badly in the intermediate exams, my mum collected all shoes in the house and made me wear a necklace of shoes, an incident which changed my life in a positive way. In contrast, when I first returned to Pakistan from Germany, I found rose petals on the entrance of our house. Upon seeing me, mum, with tears in her eyes, kissed me on the forehead and put a necklace of roses and marigold flowers around my neck.

I am sure, mum will be watching me over from the heavens when I cycle to Pakistan. She wanted me to do this journey, which I am about to resume in few hours.

So, as a little tribute to her unbound love, I am going to wear this necklace on my bicycle ride to Pakistan. She will be with me all the time.

Mum, I miss you!

[aesop_image imgwidth=”100%” img=”×801.jpg” align=”left” lightbox=”off” captionposition=”left”]

15 thoughts on “Mum’s necklace”

  1. Very nice and touching story about your beloved mom. its surprising you wear a shoes makes me laugh a lot but on other hand you recieved kisses on your forehead… may Allah reward your mom a higher rank in jinnat ul firdous..ameen.. we are looking to listen your more stories and your journey… God bless you…fullfill your mom dream and make us all proud….

    • As weird as it sounds, I have worn a necklace of shoes on my failure. My mum never wanted me to fail.
      God bless you as well, my friend.

  2. What a way to tribute your mother, She must be proud of you Kamran; and that necklace of shoes thingy is also very funny incident but in a positive note it was a lesson to learn. best of luck and God bless you.
    Safar Hai Shart Musafir-Nawaz Bohtere
    Hazar-ha Shajr-e Sayya-dar Rah mei hain

  3. Hi Kamran. I am from Rostock. Moved by your story about mom.My sincere wishes to you. I was following you the last time you were travelling. Do your best. The rest will be taken care of.

  4. my Bro Kamran…i m watching ur so ammazing and lovely pic and reading ur so beautiful and heart touchng words from last 6 hours….but now my eyes r wet…i m feeling happy and sad both things.i m sure ur mother is also a great lady like ur Father Pakistani Sahb… best wishes and pryers wth u always….u r proude and pride of us……u r real great ambassador of our beloved country….stay bessed and happy always…love u bro.
    and one thing more ur beloved mother pic r so much like my mothers young age pic…

  5. Great love to your Mother
    Some of our relatives use to come from Saudi Arabia and gave this necklace as a gift and i am pretty sure your mother also received this as a gift from Saudi Arabia. May Allah rest he in peace.

    Kind regards

  6. after a tiresome daylong hectic job and long drive, I just reached my native Home to see my ailing mother. Writting your from” Khan Garh City” a small town of Muzaffar Garh.

    Im your FAN, have much in common between us; a stalker of your page and have gone through all your vidoes and snaps. Sometimes I post comments there……Well….today I read your blog…….Brother you made my eyes wet…. Loads of prayers for you and your future endeavours. May God shower HIS blessings on the departed soul to the heavenly abode honorable mother of Yours. You writes so well so eloquent so nice that i feels me too as part ane parcel of your entourage.

    Stay Blessed,


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