Clicks From Turkmenistan

Seyit, the younger brother of Akmyrat, with his son looking at the photos of my journey. We chatted with the help of ENG-TURKISH offline translator app on my phone.
My bicycle outside the house.
This car in the neighbourhood is going to take a while to reach the destination.
Curious cows.
Day 3: Starting before the sunrise at 5:30.
Sunrise, and less than 10°C tempeture.
A mosque in Mary.
After 25 km from Mary, I took a wrong turn despite two people warning me.
This kid look very thoughful.
Then I saw few school children bathing in a canal next to a railway track.
The kids demonstrated their jumping and diving skills.
Soon after I found myself again in the desert for next 70 kilometres.
A misleading sign. It was hardly a 3% climb.
Cycling in the desert.
Honey seller beside the road.
On the right onto the way to Turkmenabat.
Flashy buildings in Turkmenabat.
Flashy buildings in Turkmenabat.
In Turkmenabat, I stayed at a “cheap” hotel for 16 USD. The toilet was terrible but the room was airconditioned.
Day 4: 160 kilometers.
Bridge on the floating boats after Farap.
I woke up at 8:30 and cycled towards the Farap border. I reached the border at 12:05 but it was closed and was scheduled to open again at 14:00. However, I was let to cross the border at 13:00.
A river in the desert, a couple of kilometres from the Uzbek border.

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