
Descending from the 4390-m pass in the Central Highlands today. It has been raining every day and it is just the beginning of the rainy season in Peru!

Since leaving Cusco about three weeks ago, I have spent 101 hours on the saddle during 16 days of cycling, covered over 1200 km and climbed 17 thousand meters which is my maximum ascent in one month. For last couple of days, I was cycling in the 4000-m plateau and it was cold out there. Today, I cycled 150 km (which is the maximum distance on this tour) and descended 2000m to reach Huanuco and have to bear the warm weather again.

As much friendly as the people in the small villages in Peru are, the street dogs are extremely nasty and have fun chasing you off, but I am getting good at unleashing precise kicks on them while maintaining high speed.

Tomorrow, an uphill to a 3800m pass begins; it will be difficult to outrun the dogs so I might resort to throwing stones at them.

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