Hunza River snakes through a broad valley

Hunza River snakes through a broad valley surrounded by layers and layers of mountains, the tallest of them being Rakaposhi at 7788 m laden with snow. The afternoon sun rays cut through the peaks as if someone has held a giant prism in the sky. When you stand at a higher viewpoint, the poplar trees seem to jut out of the land as if the Hunza valley has gotten goosebumps in admiration of its beauty. The fall is here. The leaves are turning from green to yellow like they have caught fire. In the gentle wind, the leaves blowing from trees appear like flying kisses to the mountains.

Last time I visited this place, it was in 2015 when I was cycling from Germany to Pakistan. Back then, my ride through the northern areas of Pakistan was a blur. Now, after five years, I am back in this region not only to explore but also for a cause.

On 24th October, together with some Pakistani trekkers, we will be holding a benefit dinner in Karimabad for a local porter who got injured while guiding a group of tourists in the mountains. In this event, I will also be sharing my travel stories through a 90-minute multimedia talk. Everyone is welcome to join us. All the attendees will get a 12×16 inch signed print of one of the most favourite photos from my travels.

For 25th October, I invite you to cycle along with me from Gulmit to Passu to help raise funds for the local community and a porter who lost his life in an avalanche during a trek. At the end of the ride, we will meet the community members in Passu, and you will receive a handmade souvenir by local artisans.

All the proceeds from the ticket sales will be going to the porters and local community.

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