Stats – Germany to Pakistan

Cycle route

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Stats of Germany to Pakistan bicycle tour

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Countries cycled

Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Pakistan

Passes above 4000m

Khargush Pass (4,344 m)
Neizatash pass (4,137 m)
Ak-Baital Pass (4,655 m)
Uy Buloq Pass (4,232 m)
Kyzylart Pass (4,280 m)
Ulug Robat Pass (4,076 m)
Khunjerab Pass (4,693 m)
Babusar Pass (4,173 m) –the toughest of all!

Article in Dawn

To know about the story of my journey, read the dawn article written by Madeeha Syed.

84 thoughts on “Stats – Germany to Pakistan”

  1. AOA sir….ive followed you since my elder brother told me about you 3 months back ( his name is also Kamran)…im from Multan and this friday i was in Layyah and told about you to people i know…but sadly know one had any clue about you..
    Sir all I also want to enjoy such an adventure but im only have Pakistani passport.
    Plz tell me did u use ur Pakistani Passport or are u a national of any other country???
    And if i only have Pakistani passport, then how can I apply for multiple visas like u…

  2. Your stamina is really best. I have no stamina even i am driving. Cycling is a toughest job and You done it. Congrat for Happy Ending.

  3. What a wonderful journey we had with you, it’s simply amazing. Normally we see pictures and go on but I personally felt as I am going through every single bit of you journey. Never seen people, places and food you revealed.A big thank and prays for MAA JEE.
    God Bless YOu.

  4. What a story to tell to the new generations for centuries to come. You my friend, have written a history that will be cherished and talked about forever. Hats off to your courage, stamina and patience. Bravo!

  5. When you reached Pakistan through Khanjrab pass,you narrated feelings towards motherland in beautiful words.Those who frequently visit abroad or living overseas can understand the intensity of your feelings……

  6. I was told by my elder brother about you and when I gone through facebook profile i was surprized to look and felt you boastful that your are Pakistani and i hit on that we should go risk we should take bold step to explore and do what ever you we want to.. you have examplified the adventure you are the motivation for me and I felt so heartbroken at your mother death may she reach the exalted heavens you are an inspiration for our nation….

  7. Sir tusi great ho you are the motivation for Pakistanies with strong script & story of adventure . Hats off….! Sir that’s my request 2 you please share your experience what was your feeling when you pedaled the cycle and completing that journey.?

  8. Welldone brother. btw good you don’t have a wife, coz mine is asking how did bhai manage to spend 5000 Euros when he slept in tents and shabby hotels!!!

    • I was on the road for six months, mostly staying at hotels, eating at restaurants, buy food for the road, and also other kinds of expenses.

  9. Hi Kamaran Sb. I followed you every bit of your both journeys 2011 and 2015 because I am very fond of cycling.
    I am from Multan. During my school and college day , I used to cycle about 30-35 or 40 Km one go. Multan to Muzaffargarh, Multan to Khanewal, most of times to BZU. Your passion reminded me all my school and college days.
    All my friend used to call me Mad and fauji as my father is in army.
    Sorry to write that much, but it is due to your inspiration. I feel good and I wish someday I do this because as Pakistani we need to do this and tell the world who we are.

  10. your really famous through out asia..i read your travel by bike since i was in the phillipine…i read your story through out of one the leading newspaper in my country….we admired your courage and faith….may you live long life sir…and also im saving money to travel pakistan and most specially at the north side country and including three cities..lahore.islamad and peshawar…im very near now in your country,im in abu dhabi working in the hospital at the present…thank you bcoz you inspire me by faith that nothing is impossible…

  11. Great job Bro,

    People like you make us believe. .. Pakistanis are talented people with strong will.
    We are proud of you. Fi aman Allah

  12. Hats off to you kamran bhai.
    I have a planned to go canada through bike. I hope Allah will help me in achieving my dream journey. A big problem is Pakistani passport we can’t do any thing due to this 🙁

  13. Kamran bhai you are most inspirational personality I have ever seen. And I am lucky that I met you coincidentally yes only for 30 seconds on the road of G.11 Islamabad. But those 30 seconds were more than 30 years for me. Live long happy life 🙂

  14. Dear Kamran! Loved every bit of your journey and been following you sonce you started posting. If you ever want to make a book out of your pictures and articles that you wrote along the way then i would love to do the design part for you voluntarily. You have great resource and i recomend you document it for coming genrations to come 🙂
    All the best for future 🙂

  15. Dear Bro,

    I would like to thank you for making us proud and being a Pakistani u did job well. Its all your parents prayers and with the Grace of Allah Almighty and with your passion as well.

    GEO to AISE

  16. Kamran.
    Well done. I feel honoured as I also hail from Multan. What a wonderful and inspirational journey you have undertaken. It is inspiring me to undertake the journey even at the age of 56.
    I strongly suggest that you must put down in writing all the essential planning guidelines for those Pakistanis and others who are inspired and contemplating to undertake similar journeys.

  17. Its a great adventure you have undertaken. Do you intend publishing the photographs along with a small description of each, like where, when, what?
    I’ll buy the publication and see the world through your experience.
    Good luck Kamran.

  18. Dear Kamran:

    I just say, you did a great expedition. In coming years many outdoor lovers will follow your track. Please write on your journey.

    Kind Regards


  19. Dear Kamran, I like your originality, your true expression the way you expressed in words & pictures & your simplicity…..stay Original.

  20. Kamran bhai.. I was seeing LUMS Photography page and see you comment their then click your page and see all your pictures of your journey.. Simply the hats off sir.. Pray for your good health and long life.. God bless you a lot…

  21. I followed you every bit of your both journeys 2011 and 2015 because I am very fond of adventures n visiting such great nature.
    I am from Lakki Marwat near to DIKHan Mainwali.
    it is due to your inspiration. I feel good and I wish someday I do this because as Pakistani we need to do this and tell the world who we are.

  22. Sir, we all Pakistani are proud of you that only one Pakistani a middle class citizen with no political background has won hearts and honor for Pakistan … you are a true ambassador, superstar ,leader and the person who can lead you to a goal for all Pakistanis. You have endangered your life, carrier and your family but what you have achieved is incomparable i.e. dignity for your country and family.
    I have checked all your profile KAMRAN ON BIKE…. It is much interesting and informative for All. The heart taking sceneries which you have photographed in such a way that can’t be described in words … you are the best photographer n award must be given to you. I have checked different photographs of different persons but no one can match you,,, you are lifted the photography to a better level that one can imagine.
    The scenery you photographed with such a lovely caption you have added with it, one can’t say that you are on bike but feel that he is biking and visiting these scenic places.
    Sir you have given us idea of different cultures, cities with their citizen behavior, different countries hospitality and picnic spots in different cities in 16 countries in such a positive way that is loved. You have shared every moment of the tour with us which are interesting like in Tajikistan / kerghzystan interaction with hosted families, females on the other side of river and turkey while moving towards the Iran with Iranian family. On the other side you have told us about harsh behavior of Turkmenistan police and also about cheapness of food and hotels in different countries.
    At Last but not least …. When you entered Pakistan you have described the gilgitbaltistan in similar way as other country’s area which I appreciate but after that you may be in hurry situation to celebrate Eid with your family that you could not captioned , photograph the areas like Abbottabad the military city of Pakistan ,, Hasanabdal’s Gordwarah that may give good impression of Pakistan that there are also Holly Places of SINGs other than Muslims. You also not captioned your destination in such a way that you have used in other countries ,,may be due to some reasons .
    FINALLY Sir you have done such a great job that is immeasurable and should continue it to promote tourism by bike that is much needed in Pakistan which have different beautiful places but can’t promoted by government.

  23. Dear kami, i am your cousin and a friend from childhood.i feel happy that you remembered me and discussed above in your article that you did first journey with me from layyah to chowk Azam round trip 52 kilo meters and that time i was curious that you will do some good n bigger thing in your life but you proved beyond my expectation. i salute you on this success from our whole family . you are the shinning star of our family… myself i relates to a tourism company and i don’t know that my brother is a star tourist of the world its a pleasing surprise for me when i know about you. on behalf of my tourist company Tribal Trails Tourism LLC ( i offer you a visit in Dubai for some days to give you a rewarding ceremony here.
    it would be pleasure for me and my company. Next week my boss cum brother Malik Tanveer who belonges to Multan whom you know very well is coming to Multan to meet you in Layyah your home town.

    Best wishes for you

    shaikh waqar Ahmad

    Trible Trails Tourism LLC, Dubai UAE

  24. I have recently saw your journey video on facebook, it was simply amazing and your journey inspires alot of people including me. Before watching that video i always consider people like you “crazy”, but not anymore. Now I also have started to wish such journey.

  25. dear Kamran,

    wonderful job indeed and great spirit and passion. i think there are many who might be interested in this adventure. this is a great thing you done . we can do this to bring people togather , spreading a message of peace and etc ….you know.
    i wish this becomes an event and we repeat it every year. a tour from europe to asia …..

    anytime you visit Oslo, Norway.
    be my guest.


  26. cheetah laga bhai tu! You gave me inspiration to live a life of my wish ……. i am soul of wilderness stuck in urban jungle …but one day, inshAllah i will do something like that

  27. Amazing journey. I was in awe throughout the fb post’s pics. Incredible journey. Hats off to you sir. .
    P.S You should have married that girl 😉

  28. Lol its funny to know that total tyre flat happens only in pakistan hahaha… btw brother u made me cry with this sentence ” which road i should take to reach you mom” incredible jusy awesum may your mom gets high rank in jannah u made country proud.. we are proud of you thank you so much lots pf love.
    mubashir from lahore.

  29. I am wondering how did you get Turkmenistan Visa. Turkey, iran and EU i have, need to know if there is a package deal one can get for Turkmenistan, Uzbek, Kyrgyzstan and Tajik visas?

  30. No words to express your will and stamina stronger than an iron. Congratulations.
    I hope you make it through more destinations in future. I made a 145 km trip to a nearby city last week in a day and the experience was so good. Keep it up?
    And by the way how did you reach that maximum speed of 177 kph? Thats too much? On the downs? How did you maintain our balance?

  31. Excellent journey and the photo journal. Awesome photos and best of all were your comments for each photo. Felt like we were travelling with you along the way. Way to live. Wish you many adventures ahead!

  32. Awesome achievement and pics are really beautiful ,wish to be part of yours next journey …… and want to enjoy and feel the nature on bicycle.

  33. I had been searching for some motivation for years to go on a similar trip. To know whether someone from Pakistan has actually done it before. Thanks for being an inspiration .

  34. well done brother….we all are proud of you…. keep the flag up…would like to invite you for short visit to university of applied sciences ingolstadt.


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