Gear Display
That’s all the gear I would be gear on my bicycle tour from Germany to Pakistan. Thank you, Hans Peter, for helping me in sorting it out!
That’s all the gear I would be gear on my bicycle tour from Germany to Pakistan. Thank you, Hans Peter, for helping me in sorting it out!
I weigh 76 Kg at the moment. It would be interesting to know how much would I weigh at the end of 10,000 kilometers. [/caption]
I bought a new Nokia C3 full-keyboard mobile phone today. Sitting next to the empty box of Nokia C3-1 phone that someone stole.
Achtung baby! Just found my passport with a shiny Bulgarian Visa in the mailbox. No more excuses to delay the tour. Now, I have all visas I need to travel from Germany to Pakistan by bicycle.
A day wasted is not completely wasted. Today I bought new sandals from Globetrotter during my 8 hours stay in Berlin.
My dear Czech friend Klara painted a shirt for me which all my friends signed. Thank you for the precious gift, Klara.
Only a few days left before I leave Rostock on a bicycle trip to Pakistan. Today was my farewell party graced by my close friends. Thank you all for your love!
Swimming is a key part of my training regime to gain stamina and fitness before I embark on the bicycle trip from Germany to Pakistan.
Joanna is from Poland. Today, she recorded my interview for the LOHRO radio in Rostock. Thank you, Jonna!
Studying Danube bicycle route map and Lonely Planet Romania during my train journey from Berlin to Rostock today. I went to Berlin to apply for a Bulgarian Visa.